The INHS Library News blog is to inform users of new resources, library events, library systems downtime, and library schedule changes.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Online catalog alternative

There have been some problems recently with the servers for the online catalog, and you may have noticed it has been down quite a bit the last few days.

The alternative catalog, VuFind, contains the all the bibliographic and holdings information contained in the "classic" catalog, and typically remains up when the "classic" catalog goes down.
A link to VuFInd is on the INHS Library website, on the left under catalogs.

It is possible to request materials using VuFind. You need to establish an account using your borrower ID, but thereafter you may log in with a user name and password of your own choosing. For more information about VuFind, see the VuFind FAQ page on the website of the Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI).

The VuFind interface is still in beta test mode, and there are links in the interface to provide feedback.