State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference video webcast October 22 and 23
The State of the Lakes Ecosystem Conference will be available as a "live" video webcast October 22 and October 23. There will be two full days of programming on-line at
Highlights for Wednesday, October 22 "State of the Great Lakes"
(starting at 9 AM Eastern time)
- Contaminants, Biotic Communities and Invasive Species
- Coastal Zones and Aquatic Habitats
- Human Health, Land Use, Resource Utilization, and Climate Change
- Keynote Speaker - Thomas Homer-Dixon
- Impacts of Changing Land Use
- Nearshore Terrestrial Ecosystems
- Coastal Wetlands
- Nearshore Waters - biological, physical, chemical features
Connecting Channels"
(starting at 7:30 AM Eastern time)
- Lake Superior - Non-native species
- Lake Michigan - Botulism
- Lake Huron - Beaches and Recreational Water Quality
- St. Clair-Detroit River Connecting Channel - Nutrients and algal blooms
- Lake Erie - Nutrients and Harmful Algal Blooms
- Niagara River - Contaminants
- Lake Ontario - Impacts of Water Levels
- Keynote Speaker Peter Annin - "Great Lakes Water Wars"