Bird lit database, Illustrata trial, protocol trials
The following online resources may be of interest to INHS staff.
Avian Literature Database
Developed by theNational Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), this database indexes literature on "effects of wind energy development on birds include mortality factors such as collision and electrocution, and impacts on nesting, foraging, roosting/loafing, and other bird disturbances." This database is free to anyone.
CSA Illustrata Trial
Go beyond full text! This trial of Cambridge Scientific Abstract's new Illustrata tool allows searching within the figures and tables in journal articles. In depth indexing of figures and tables allows you to find and view images and data, even from journals to which UI does not subscribe.
Nature Protocols and Cold Spring Harbor Protocols Trials
We have trials running until the end of March, 2007, for two new, important sets of peer-reviewed protocols, one from the Nature Publishing Group and the other from Cold Spring Harbor Press. Both sets of protocols cover a wide range of fields within molecular and cell biology, from bioinformatics and computational biology to basic microscopy and electrophoresis.
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